Schlagwort-Archiv: Fair play

Regeln, Sicherheit, Support

Am 5. März spielt der 1. FC Magdeburg in der 3. Liga gegen Hansa Rostock. Eins der zahlreichen „Ost-Derbys“ in dieser Saison und wiederum eines, das von den Sicherheitsbehörden als „Hochsicherheitsspiel“ eingestuft wird.
Dieser Einstufung ist grundsätzlich nicht zu widersprechen, denn schon im Hinspiel wurde kräftig provoziert, es kam zu Spielunterbrechungen und aus dem1 Rostocker Ultrablock flogen Raketen in den Gästeblock. Dazu kommt noch, dass sich das Verhältnis von Magdeburger und Rostocker Fans vorsichtig gesprochen als „angespannt“ bezeichnen lässt.

  1. in Rostock idiotischerweise direkt neben dem Gästeblock plazierten 

The dirty deed is done

As I indicated yesterday, the Football Association of Saxony-Anhalt (FSA) does not agree with my opinion that culpability should play a role in determining which youth teams participate in the DFB-Pokal and NOFV-Pokal.
For reasons I cannot find in any of the statutes governing youth football or football in the FSA territory, officials have decided to register Hallescher FC’s Under-19 team for the DFB-Pokal and 1. FC Magdeburg’s Under-17 team for the much less prestigious NOFV-Pokal.1
1. FC Magdeburg have reacted with a press release that is mild in my opinion, but nevertheless manages to call the decision „unsportsmanlike“. It further adds that the decision reflects exactly a statement from Halle’s youth coordinator made last week and reported as „the only fair solution“ in Halle-based newspaper Mitteldeutsche Zeitung. The press release closes with words of regret with regard to the notion of fair play that is always propagated by the FSA, but seems to not have any influence on the association itself.
Magdeburg’s cooperation was not rewarded – the club had readily agreed to switch the final locations to Halle instead of Magdeburg in order to get the matches to be played. In essence, the decision rewards Halle’s boycotting the final at the close of last season with a spot in the DFB-Pokal. And while FSA president Werner Georg has apparently assumed full responsibility for the mess and also promised an internal investigation, I am not holding my breath for anything constructive.

All I can hope for is a resounding defeat for Halle in the DFB-Pokal – and in the Under-19 Bundesliga match against Magdeburg that is scheduled for 22 August.

  1. NOFV is the regional FA governing football in Brandeburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Berlin, Thuringia, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt